On 11 December 2009, six leading universities of applied sciences (HAW, Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften) - including FH Aachen - establish the nationwide "HochschulAllianz für Angewandte Wissenschaften" (HAWtech, German Alliance for Applied Sciences) in Darmstadt. Their common goal is to strengthen, in particular, small and medium-sized companies as the engine of economic strength in regional networks. The six participating universities all focus on the MINT subjects (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology), have a strong practical orientation and an outstanding reputation. In addition to FH Aachen, the new network includes Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da), Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences.
Photo Credits:
Monika Brinkmann